Quality and Environment Policy

GRUPO HERGAR, made up of the companies HERGAR, SA, H2O SL and MARKET SHOES, SL, is a business group from La Rioja based in a municipality with a shoemaking tradition such as Arnedo; and which since its foundation in 1968 has been dedicated to the design, manufacture and marketing of men's, women's and children's footwear; under two main brands CALLAGHAN and GORILLA.

During these years the philosophy of the company has been based on fundamental pillars such as, in order of importance, product, distribution, image and price; and always in parallel with environmental care. With this, and through the development and innovation of the ADAPTATION, ADAPTLITE, WATERADAPT technologies as a differentiating element, the manufacture of a product that fully satisfies the needs and expectations of our customers, while being respectful of the environment, is sought.

For this reason, it has maintained a Quality and Environmental Management System for more than a decade, in order to integrate the commitment to continuous improvement of its activity with the maintenance of customer satisfaction and respect for the environment.

The general objectives of the company, which seek continuous improvement, are established, reviewed and approved by Management, among them are:

  • Achieve and guarantee the satisfaction of our customers.
  • Constant research and development of new processes, products and materials.
  • Continuously innovate through the use of new technologies and the application of materials and techniques to the design of the models.
  • Design as a tool to differentiate yourself in an increasingly competitive market
  • Transmit to the members of the GROUP the commitment to protect the environment, prevent pollution and achieve quality work, as a guarantee of continuity in an increasingly globalized market.
  • Continue growing in billing and market share, both in our country and abroad, in order to continue investing in new facilities, process improvement and optimization of resources.

    The main environmental commitment of GRUPO HERGAR is to minimize and prevent contamination that could occur as a result of our industrial activity on the environment and to comply with all current legal requirements and other requirements that are signed in terms of quality and the environment.

    The Management of GRUPO HERGAR undertakes to communicate and disseminate this policy to the interested parties, as well as to review it for its continuous adaptation to the reality of the company, since it is aware that the ultimate responsibility in achieving the objectives proposed is yours.