Calzados Hergar SA is developing the HIBRI4D project “Research and development of 4D Printing Technology for multi-material and multifunctional processing with embedded electronics and sensors”, which has as its main objective the research and development of an automated flexible manufacturing system based on 4D Printing that includes the development of multi-material printing technology, the development of flexible functional materials capable of reacting to a stimulus for their application to high added value products with electronics and sensors integrated in a single process.
The HIBRI4D consortium is made up of a group of five SMEs, BCN 3D, EDSER LABS, Calzados HERGAR, SENSING TEX, and SMART MATERIAL. Likewise, the consortium has external collaboration from technology centers and research groups specialized in additive manufacturing technologies: AIMPLAS, CTCR and CIM UPC. The HIBRI4D project is subsidized by CDTI within the framework of the Misiones 2021 call (file number MIP-20211041) and has been supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Funded by the European Union – Next Generation.